3rd grade artwork
See what our 3rd graders have been creating at home!
symmetry snowflakes
3rd grade students used GEOMETRIC SHAPES to create SYMMETRY in these beautiful snowflake drawings.
fall Leaf Chalk drawings
Square 1 art birds
art with textiles
3rd graders have been learning about textiles from around the world! They are combining weaving, stitchery, and stenciling to create a colorful wall hanging.
Step 1- Weaving
Step 2- Stenciling
Step 3- Stitchery
insect and spider sculptures
3rd graders learned how to create UNITY by limiting the colors in these awesome Circle Weavings. From the yarn in the weaving to the sequins and feathers, students selected one color group for it all!
Can you name the color group in each weaving?
Can you name the color group in each weaving?
falling leaves
3rd graders learned how to create movement in their artwork through the use of lines and the placement of their fall leaves. Students also used the separation of warm and cool colors to create contrast in their artwork.